
Saturday, September 5, 2015

Why and What Am I Blogging? (Introductory Post)

Hello and welcome to Fresh Advice! As the caption says this will be a blog about anything and everything. Basically what that means is I will be writing about whatever I feel like for at least the rest of the school year. Why the rest of the school year? Because at my school the Ninth Grade Honors English classes have to write a blog during the year. That's the whole reason I'm writing this. I know that a lot of my classmates don't want to write a blog and to be honest I'm not jumping with joy either. But I will say that I'm going to try my best to write a nice blog for the people who actually bother reading it. So, I'll talk about some topics that will be covered on this blog.

Although the name of the blog says "Advice" this blog will not be strictly advice. Something I will frequently blog about is some funny things that happen during the day. For example, say someone says something funny at lunch, it will probably end up being on the blog. There might also be a separate page for funny quotes on the blog after I get it all set up, but I'm still unsure. 

image courtesy of
Another frequent type of post on my blog will be routines and DIY. In no way am I an expert in these two topics but they're things that I enjoy doing. I hope that you enjoy reading about these because some of the DIYs out there are pretty cool. *realizes that I sound like a complete nerd* But seriously they can be really interesting to try out with friends. 

Maybe I'll try these halloween costumes.

One thing I really enjoy looking for are interesting baking and drink recipes. They're pretty cool but who actually tries them right? Well, something I want to take away from this blogging experience is to try new things. That means that if I post a recipe it will also be a review on it. As the school year goes on I might end up just posting the recipes and not writing a review on them.

Lastly I will try to post about vacations I take during the school year. Because I competitively ski race we travel to different states a lot and I'll try to get a picture of them to post. Although, sometimes ski races get really time consuming and there's not time for a blog post. I can guarantee that I will try.

So right now I'm not sure how frequently I'll be posting but towards the end of the school year it will definitely be at least once a week. This is because the posts are graded more and more frequently towards the end of the school year. I'm thinking about doing a blog post every week, even when it's not required, but this whole blogging thing is still pretty new to me so we'll see where it goes.

I think that pretty much wraps up this post. I'm looking forward to sharing my thoughts and ideas with the internet. If you'd like to know more about me and my experiences go check out the about me page in the pages bar. Also, let me know if there is anything specific you want me to blog about. Thanks for reading my first post! See you soon!