
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Cracked Porcelain Doll Halloween Costume Part 1

Hey guys! Like I said in my last post I'm going to give you guys a tutorial on how to put together a cracked porcelain doll costume. I'll also include my tips and tricks on how to make sure you costume is the best it can be. I'll be doing this post in two parts: the base layer of make up and the details. So let's get started!

Porcelain Doll Make Up

Now for the make up look you don't have to go out and buy all of the items listed below. I'll make two lists for what you definitely need and another for what isn't necessary but will make your look a hundred times better. DO NOT feel obligated to go buy everything on this list because that could be very costly. FYI this look is supposed to look creepy so don't judge the pictures.

What You'll Need:

  • white face paint (for the brand I used click here)
  • foundation brush
  • black liquid eyeliner
100x Better:
  • black face paint
  • translucent setting powder
  • matt pink blush
  • grey eyeshadow 
  • white eyeliner pencil
  • black eyeliner pencil
  • baby pink lip stick/stain
  • small detail brush
  • eye shadow brush
  • powder brush
  • fake eye lashes

Now like I said before DO NOT feel obligated to get all of this. The first list is the most basic you can get with this look. You can also pick and choose what you want out of the second list. There's no make up nazi that's going to yell at you if you decide to do it differently than I did so do whatever you feel comfortable with.

I will be writing the tutorial based on having all of the items listed above but if you choose to do less simply skip the parts where I use the other materials.


this is what the base should look like
First you're going to want to paint your face with the white face paint using your foundation brush. After you have a base of white that you like go over it with your translucent setting powder using your powder brush. This will give you a similar appearance to that of porcelain and will help your make up stay put. Make sure to cover your neck and ears because other wise it looks plain weird. Don't worry about covering your eyes because if you do it will crease. Also, I know this picture is really weird looking but you'll see how much better it looks with the cracks later on. I was also trying really hard not to laugh and that's why my face looks so dreary. And just so you know I am NOT cross eyed ughhh. 

where to put the blush on your checks

After you have your base you'll want to apply a thick layer of blush on the apples of your cheeks. This will give you a creepy look. I also chose to spread the blush out and up from the apples of my cheeks but that's a style choice and completely up to you. By the way, I know that picture is even weirder than the first on but you couldn't see the blush other wise.

The next step is do your eyes. Using a light grey shadow and my eye shadow brush I applied a light coat of the color on my lid. I then went in with a darker grey and put it in my crease for some definition. Because I had the shadow out I went ahead and put the lighter grey under my eye so that they appear to be bulging out more.

Then once you're done with the shadow you can apply some pencil liner in your tight line (the thin line of skin under your top lashes that rests really close to your eyes) on both of eyes. Apply liquid liner to the eyes with a slight wing. Last, coat your eyes with mascara an the eyes are done for now!

To be continued . . . see you soon!

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