
about me

Hi there! 
My name is Max Dalton and this is my blog.

Here's me:

I grew up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where my family and I lived for twelve years. I attended Friends Select School for all my school years in Philadelphia. While in PA I picked up alpine ski racing, and yeah I know, ski racing in Pennsylvania? Yes, there was ski racing.
after school in sixth grade

My family and I always knew we would move from Philly to pursue my skiing. However, we thought we would move after eighth grade. Turns out we were WRONG. During the summer before eighth grade my family packed up and moved to Arizona. And now I know exactly what you're thinking, there's no skiing in Arizona. Actually, there is skiing in Arizona but that's beside the point. I don't really know what we were thinking.

Now for life in Arizona. We moved to Glendale where I decided to do nothing for the majority of June. I was pretty upset about leaving Philly early, but what could I do? While in Philly I had been on a competitive swim team to stay in shape for skiing. When we moved, I didn't swim for about a month. My mom finally decided to contact a team called the Arizona Swimming Gauchos. Now again I know exactly what you're thinking. You're either thinking "what the heck is a Gaucho?" or you're thinking of the pants. No not the pants, it's actually like a cowboy or something. Ok anyway, I tried out and believe me when I say I had absolutely NO desire to join their team. But I made it on . . . and it was the absolute BEST thing that has ever happened to me. I met the best people and had the greatest time there. 

By the way, you should check out their website here because they're pretty awesome.

I enrolled in Deer Valley Middle School where I found even more amazing people. I played volleyball and everything seemed great until skiing was suddenly four hours away . . . so we knew we would have to move again. It was pretty sad to move again because I had just met the best people but again there was nothing I could do. The whole point of us moving was so that I could continue to ski in a more competitive environment.

Here are some people I met in Arizona:
volleyball awards ceremony at deer valley middle school
swim practice

So it was time to move yet again. Where to go, where to go? Well it turns out that my mom had just found a great job in Salt Lake City, Utah, only thirty minutes away from the "greatest snow on earth". We decided to move to  Park City, Utah.

And that's where I am now. A freshman in Park City.
So I guess I should share my interests with you guys huh? I love to play sports, especially field hockey, swimming, softball, skiing and volleyball, and I enjoy hanging out with my friends in the fresh Park City air. My favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip and I like to read dystopian novels. Last but not least I like to try things that will get my adrenaline pumping, like zip lining and high ropes courses. I have a dog named Oakley and she enjoys running around the golf course near my house very much. Now you know a little bit about me and life experiences. I hope you'll enjoy reading this blog because I know I'll have fun writing it. You should try blogging sometime.

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