
Monday, May 2, 2016

Student Council

Hey Guys! So I recently decided to run for the Student Council elections this week! I am running to become the Sophomore Representative! I thought that I would tell you how I'm running my campaign and ways that may help you win if you are ever interested in running for Student Council! Let's get started.

The first thing you should do is make posters. It is important to show the students who you are and making posters can help you with that. I wrote pretty much the same thing on every poster so that everyone knew that I was the same person which leads to my first tip: do not create posters that look too different and unrecognizable from each other.
the picture I used on my campaign posters
If your posters don't look similar in anyway other than having your first name on them it may be hard for students to realize you are the same person. Also, make sure to hang your posters in the most frequently visited parts of your school to ensure that the majority of your class or your voters see your poster. For my school this means that the candidates for Student Body Vice President have two schools to cover because the ninth grade is at a different school. This leads to my next tip.

MAKE SURE TO GET TO SCHOOL EARLY ON THE DAY YOU ARE ALLOWED TO START CAMPAIGNING. This is especially important in Park City because there are so many different sections of the school to cover in such a little amount of time. I would say to try and hit the main traffic ways of your school first and to have friends help you hang posters in different areas as well. This will ensure that you get prime space in all areas of the school and not just on one wall. However, the most important part of your campaign is your video.

Your video should be your number one priority after your posters. Although some schools don't allow videos most do and many videos are the reason candidates are elected into their positions. Even though it is kind of sad, most high school elections are still popularity contests and having a funny video is an essential part to a winning campaign. And again this leads me to my next tip, don't make your speech too long.

If your speech is long and boring people won't vote for you. Try to throw in some puns and hold your audience's attention. If you make them remember you they will most likely forget about the other candidates and vote for you as they remember you the most. If you want more information on how to write a good speech and presenting it click here.

Be clever and have fun with your campaign! Most schools also have positions you can apply for so don't worry if you don't win! I would still encourage you to make the most out of a Student Council experience because it can be a really good opportunity and a fun time! Hopefully you all enjoyed that post! See you soon!

Update 5/5/16: I won the election! Thanks to all the students at TMJH who voted for me and congratulations to Matthew who was elected as well! Good job to everyone who participated I encourage all of you to apply for positions! I look forward to working with all of you next year!

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