
Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Process of Buying a Halloween Costume

Hey guys! So, it's just about that time of year when all the little kids in your neighborhood come to your door asking for candy.
image courtesy of
Yeah, Halloween. Now I happen to love Halloween. It's that one time of year when you can make yourself look absolutely ridiculous and no one looks twice. Now this year I was pretty sad when I didn't automatically have a costume idea. I guess that's when you know you're a little too old to be dressing up and going out trick or treating with your friends. But who cares right? So I had to come up with a costume.

Now this was the hard part. I came up with two ideas that I thought were pretty cool. The first was to be a sugar skull. I was pretty much set on this one until I found out that someone who's friends with a lot of my friends was a sugar skull last year. Now just because I didn't live in Park City last year doesn't mean people would let it slide. So I came up with my second idea to be a cracked porcelain doll. I found this really good tutorial on youtube of how to do the make up and if you want to watch it click here. Now if you watch that video you'll see that the make up she did is amazing. Like I don't even know what I was thinking trying to copy it but a girl can dream right?

So I decided that a cracked porcelain doll was my best option for a costume. I dragged my dad along with me to Zurchers, a party supply store if you didn't know, in Salt Lake so that I could pick up my make up. Now looking back on that experience I probably should've thought about the quality of white face paint I was getting when the paint didn't have a cover and was under a dollar. But you know I wasn't really thinking. After our stop at Zurchers, where my dad decided to buy a fake gold tooth and mustache just to embarrass me *says while cringing*, we went to Ulta, a shrine to all make up on earth, to buy the other things I needed.

Now for the actual costume part. Like the clothing. Oh, you know what I mean. I struggled with this for a while. How can I look like a porcelain doll without looking like I'm about to go to church? I was stumped on this for a few days. Luckily for me there's this store Dressed In White right by the Zurchers and Ulta that my dad just happened to see. So, later on that week we went back to that strip mall to look through that store. For those of you that are like, "You drove that far for a costume? Twice?" um no it was not just for the costume my mom works in Salt Lake and we pick her up everyday so hah!

Anyway, we walked into the store and literally everything in the store was white. I'm not even joking when I say the only thing that wasn't white was the color of the walls. So this cute little old lady comes up to my dad and me and asks what occasion we were buying the dress for. Yeah, didn't think about an answer for that question before walking into the store. I didn't want to offend her but . . . before I answered anything my dad gave me a hesitant look and then explained that it was for a Halloween costume. The lady went ballistic on my dad for assuming that we could just walk into her store that was for proper occasions, like communion, and buy a dress for a costume.

I'm totally kidding. She was so nice and helped me pick out the perfect dress for the costume. I got you there didn't I *terrible winky face* but we didn't tell her that I planned to get dirt all over the dress and rip it up a little so haha yeah. Ok back to the story. So I went home and tried on the dress with the make up and it was incredible.

I hope you enjoyed my rambling on about buying a costume but it was a pretty fun experience. Sometime soon I'm going to post a tutorial on how to do the make up, what you'll need for it and how to dirty up your dress. In that post I'll actually put a picture of me in the costume. I would show you now but I have to make sure you'll come back to my blog some how right? Let me know what you guys are doing for Halloween. See you soon!

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