
Saturday, October 17, 2015

DIY Fruit Infused Water

Hey guys! So let me start this post off by asking, how many of you like to drink soda? Probably a lot of you. Now I won't judge because I like to drink soda too. However, it's not the healthiest drink in the world as most of us know choose to ignore. I decided to try and find a healthier alternative to soda which brings me to the title of this post. I've always seen those pretty pictures of water in mason jars with fruit and mint like the one below.

image courtesy of
Now if you're smart you would probably would've followed a recipe from pages like this one. But why would I do that when I could come up with my own recipe right? 
So now I'll leave you to the recipe I wrote up. I'll be writing my tips at the end.

What You'll Need:
  • 1 package of raspberries
  • 1 package of blackberries
  • water
  • 2 small bowls
  • 1 fork
  • 1 glass/pitcher

Rinse your raspberries to make sure that you get all of the dirt and leaves off. Then put your raspberries in a small bowl. Take your fork and mash up the raspberries to the texture of your liking. 

Do the same with the blackberries in your other small bowl.

Once you have your two bowls of mashed berries you have to options. The first is to pour a pitcher of water and mix the berries into that. The second is to pour a glass and mix spoonfuls of berries until it is to your liking.

Ta da! You have some berry infused water! You can totally do this with any other type of fruit. So one tip would be to leave some water in the bowls while mashing up the berries. The only other tip I have is to not think about how gross the mashed berries look. If you've ever seen the new version of Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory the berries look a little like the mashed up caterpillars the oompa loompas eat. Yeah I know pretty gross.

Now let me just tell you some idiotic mistakes I made so you find some sort of joy in this post. As most of you probably don't know the tap water in Park City, UT is pretty contaminated with metals that you shouldn't really drink. Well I completely forgot about this and realized after I mashed the berries that I needed cold water. My parents don't put our bottled water in the fridge so I had to go get the water and wait for it to get cold. When I came back to the fridge I found that somebody had taken the bottle I put smack in the center of the fridge *cough cough* thanks a lot mom *cough*. Now yeah I probably could have used the tap water and yeah I probably could've mixed the berries into the room temperature water but eh.

So I guess I should probably compare the water to soda. Honestly the  mashed berry water wasn't all that bad. If you don't stock the soda in your house and replace it with the water it wouldn't be THAT bad. Try it out and see how you like it. I know I'll try replacing my soda with the infused water.

One last thing. I thought it would be a really good idea to put a few mason jars full of fruit pulp and juice that I could scoop into my glasses of water. I might also try putting protein powder in the mixture. Let me know what you guys think and if you want to see any more mixtures.

Well I hope you enjoyed reading about my adventures into the DIY infused water world. See you soon!

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