
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Dad Jokes

Hey guys! So the other day I was in the car with my dad when I realized just how stupid some dad jokes in the world are and I thought hey I should blog about this.

Somehow dads seem to think that it's funny to embarrass and make fun of you. In a nice way of course. I remember this one time in like kindergarten when my dad kept using that snot joke. You know, the one where they pretend to hear "snot" instead of "it's not". That was when all these dad jokes really started for me.

Now, I know they're not all THAT bad, but it's really annoying when your dad is laughing at you for having a monstrous pimple like I did in the car the other day. But it gets pretty annoying when that is all you hear about the entire car ride to Salt Lake City (about twenty-five to thirty minutes from where I live). 

Then there are those dumb dad jokes like the one in the photo over
image courtesy of
there. Those are the jokes that really get me annoyed. 
Something about them just bothers me. I mean, I guess they are a little funny. It's almost like the thing that bothers me the most is that the answer is always SO obvious that it leaves you feeling stupid afterwards.
For example: "Why can't you hear a pterodactyl use the bathroom? Because the pee is silent!" Like why couldn't I think of that?

I always feel so awkward when I'm with my friends and their dad makes a joke that isn't good but you have to laugh. You know, trying to be polite to your friend's dad. We all know secretly that every dad does that. And when they know it's corny but they say it anyway.Yeah, we all know that most dads do that too.

Overall dad jokes leave me pretty annoyed which is why I was almost in tears when my dad started using them again. We were in the car and he said, "Do you like seafood?" and opened his mouth showing me the sushi we were eating in the car. I pretty much face palmed. My dad has never really been THAT corny but rather decides to act that way and embarrass me in front of my friends. I guess it's just typical dad stuff that happens right? 

I hope you enjoyed my rant about dad jokes. I guess they're a little addicting because when I was writing this I couldn't stop looking at this page. Let me know in the comments if your dad makes terrible, corny dad jokes and we can cringe over it together haha. See you soon!

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