
Monday, December 14, 2015

The Struggles of Blowing Bubbles

Hey guys! I've decided not continue onto my second part of the Jackson Hole Trip series because it happened a little while ago and I felt that post wasn't really going anywhere. So that leaves me at this one. It's a little short story about a drive with my dad. I hope you enjoy it!

So, as some of you know I live in Park City, UT which is about a forty-five minute drive to Salt Lake City. My mom works is Salt Lake and because we only have one car right now, a silver Mini Cooper with a black convertible top, we drive to there to pick up my mom just about everyday. These car rides hold various conversations like the one in my Dad Jokes post.

Now as my dad and I were rambling through a unrelated conversation I blew a bubble with my gum. For some of you not very exciting, but for that small percentage of people who through their whole childhood could not blow bubbles, you people are not alone. I am with you.

Since I was about five I have been trying
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soooooo hard to blow bubbles. Like, it got a little ridiculous. I tried to get my nannies through the years to teach me and they've all failed. Literally all of them. All of them had different ways of trying to go about it. For example, one way they tried to teach me was to make the gum into a flat oval type shape. Then you get it on the tip of your tongue and hold the edges of the oval with your teeth. Finally you just blow air out. You're probably thinking one of four things: I have no idea what that means, that sounds so easy, yeah that's how I do it or YEAH I'VE HAD PEOPLE TRY TO TEACH ME IT THAT WAY AND IT DOESN'T WORK. Well, I agreed with later until this card ride. There are a couple others tips that you can check them out here.

I could never get that sequence quite correct and was the most frustrating experience for a kindergartner ever. If you can't blow bubbles with your gum you understand. Keep trying, it eventually does work.

So anyway, my dad and I are in the care when BOOM I blow a bubble. I freaked out. I was just like, "OH MY GOD DAD NO WAY I JUST BLEW A BUBBLE." He just about looked at me like I had six heads. A little puzzled he asked me to explain and when I did he responded with a chuckle. I know it's not that great of an accomplishment but I did it. 

I finally blew a bubble. I must have Snapchatted like ten people telling them how stoked I was and the majority of them responded as my dad did. Now this is when the bubble, haha get it like the bubble I blew with my gum, bursts. I was so excited and decided to explain to my dad how its so much harder to blow a bubble with more gum. He looked at me, again, as if I had six heads.

"Max, you know it's easier to blow a bubble the more gum you have," said my dad.

My heart sank. I mean his explanation was logical and I did have about five pieces of gum in my mouth. Such a let down. At least I did it though, after fourteen years of life I was finally able to blow a bubble with gum.

Just because I think you guys will this funny, I was on FaceTime with a friend while writing this post and just hit myself in the face with my phone. So just to wrap up that sentence, I am a pathetic nerd who can't blow bubbles with gum and hits myself in the face with my phone. So, yeah you know that's my life right there. I hope you guys enjoyed my anecdote (ooooooo vital vocab points right there). See you soon!

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