
Monday, December 28, 2015

New Year's Resolutions

Hey guys! This time I've decide to rant on some New Year's resolutions. I hate them. I don't know what it is about them but I can not stand them. I feel like you should try new things and make good choices all throughout the year, not just after the new year starts. I'm going to go through a couple of common resolutions that I think are just plain dumb. So lets get started.
image courtesy of The Odyssey
1. Lose Weight/Exercise/Diet/Be Healthier

This is the big one that I don't understand. You shouldn't need to wait until the new year to be healthy. You should try to eat healthy as much as you can. I feel like this is a big way that people start their new year off wrong. Chances are you're going to go all out and try the paleo diet when you're not ready for it. Then people get upset when they don't stick to their new and healthy lifestyle and some even gain more weight from binge eating. If you really want to lose weight, exercise and diet you should gradually ease into it and the sooner you do it the sooner the results will come. If you think about your resolution to be healthier at the beginning of December you should start then. That way when January 1 of the new year comes around you'll already be seeing results.

2. Learn Something New

Do I really need to explain this one? There are chances to learn something new everyday. You can literally go on this thing called the internet now and find ANY information you want. Just go to a news publisher, for example The Wall Street Journal, and choose an article to read. THAT'S LEARNING PEOPLE. You obtain new information when you read. I think that wanting to learn is great but it shouldn't be a resolution.

3. Help Others

UGH. Why do people need the new year to start helping others. Even if you volunteer once a month you're still helping someone. You don't even have to volunteer to help others. Hold a door open for someone and that's helping them. Yeah, it may not be a great act to humanity but you're still helping somebody. Also, just smiling at people may help them. I've heard a story about a boy who didn't think he should live because no one was kind to him. He decided to walk to a bridge near by and made a plan. If just one person smiled at him on his walk to the bridge he wouldn't jump. If no one did, he would. He committed suicide. Being kind helps others and it shouldn't be a New Year's resolution.

Sorry to end that on a sad note but that's one of the reasons I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. They basically give your lazy butt an excuse from doing something. If you want to accomplish something just do it. It's unfortunate that we live in a world were we need motivation to do things that should be human nature. I hope you guys take these words to heart. Thanks for listening to my long rant on New Year's resolutions. See you soon!

p.s. I know that started as a light hearted rant on New Year's resolution but really think about what I said.

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